

Urban drawing (1) - 's-Hertogenbosch 2020 The bombardment of senses in the city suggests infinite scripts of light. On sunny days, shadows are a presence that should not be underestimated, because they influence the harmony of an image in the same way as color combinations. I like to probe the limits of chaos. How many distractions can I include in an image before making a mess? Which colors can I combine? How many shadows? Composing urban drawings is one of my favorite games.   From: The Shadow of Light


Light and shadows of the cloister (1) - Utrecht 2020 In unconditional love you will be in the light in exclusive desire you will be in the shadows in acting with courage you will be in the light in shy hesitating you will be in the shadows in opening yourself to the unknown you will be in the light in clinging to false ideas of security you will be in the shadows in expressing yourself with your heart you will be in the light in abandoning yourself to the lie you will be in the shadows and in reaching out to God you will be in the light but if you look for it in ephemeral things you will certainly fall into the shadows. From: The Shadow of Light


Pathway of lights and shadows - Harmelen (2020) In the ultra-competitive society we live in, we have been taught that opportunism can be an added value. From the purely competitive one, attributable to sports disciplines, to the philosophical one of "carpe-diem", the concept of "opportunity" permeates the life of each of us, so that our attention is often taken to recognize these alleged turning points, so that you can grab them right away. In reality an opportunistic behaviour can, when pursued without the right awareness, become the cause of great evils as well as an obstacle to our spiritual realization. It is not wrong to recognize the opportunities that life offers us, especially if these can make us grow internally, but it is good to stay away from those occasions which, enriching the materialistic aspect or the reputation of our earthly existence, seriously endanger our own. divine integrity. Unscrupulously pursuing every opportunity is taking unconscious ste...


Utrecht 2020 To manifest shadow is reaction. To manifest light is action. Negativity is always manifested through a reaction that we have when we are afraid of something. Whenever we complain about a person or a nuisance, we always do it for selfish purposes, in the hope of alleviating the insecurities that we feel when our ideas are contradicted. It is therefore a conditioned reaction, which is the product of an emotional mechanism that we are not in control of. Thus we inevitably generate discontent, disappointment, darkness. If, on the other hand, we are able to observe the emotional dynamics that raise up in us, and to maintain control of our actions, remaining centered in our own genuine essence, what we will generate will be wisdom, love and bright uncontaminated light. From: The Shadow of Light


  Ascoli Piceno (2019) Photography is often an aggressive practice and by doing so it can generate shadow. In order to practice it with kindness, deep attention is needed, together with great awareness and desire to love. Only in this way we can shift from the predatory photographic gesture to an action that generates light. From: The Shadow of Light


  Utrecht 2020 Creativity originates from a purpose, and so does the joy, the ecstasy, the freedom, the inner peace and the search for God, all this originates from a purpose, which is desire for reality, vision of truth, it is what sets events in motion towards realization. In the purpose there is already everything you need to untangle the shadows and immerge yourself in the light again. From: The Shadow of Light


  Vleuten (2020) Going like this beyond the conceptuality of an image to reach a divine experience, just like any other experience, and in doing so, you might discover that you are never really alone. From: The Shadow of Light


Utrecht 2020 Welcoming the light, coming out of the shadows resolute, it means embracing the certainty that everything will be fine, and that the reunion between Creation and the Creator cannot be hindered. With this powerful message of faith we let ourselves be enlightened and nothing will ever be the same again. From: The Shadow of Light


Utrecht 2020 Splitting is a consequence of the division, which from external (separating from the rest) manifests itself within us when we wear new faces for every occasion. In every relationship we feel the need to put on the right mask, as if it were a great carnival dance. In these kaleidoscopic images we can still cling to a sense of Reality, perhaps in the binary code of the pixels, or in the contrasts between white, black and shaded, the first and last cause of this mental movement that we call experience. Reality (2020)


  Utrecht 2020 The disinterested action that gives rise to interested observation. Why should all this movement take hold of Reality? But it doesn't take hold of it, it doesn't even scratch it, it just leaves a patina on it, a reflection that dies when the light shines brightly and forms are swallowed up by the Non-Form. Reality (2020)


  Urban Drawing - Ancona (2019) I want to get access to those visions which, in their insignificance, arouse the harmony of shapes and colors. I have always loved to compose these "suspended places" using the apparently casual arrangement of the roadways. A suspended place is an invention, like a children's fairytale. Discovering the fiction, but letting oneself be pleasantly flattered by it, is another aspect of Reality. Reality (2020)


Overlapping exposures in the camera - Utrecht (2020) Double exposures in camera are an attempt to get closer to reality, which is never in tension, never in control, but is total abandonment to Divine Chaos. The refusal of a second study and  a thoughtful combination of overlapping images, leaves room for an intuitive episode, in some way reactionary to all the false that surrounds us. But, as mentioned, it is only an approach, an apparently virtuous desire that can slip into habit, if one does not consider it, at the end of the game, only another fascinating aspect of what it's false. Reality (2020)


Urban drawing - Antwerp (2019) Dwell into Reality and then go back to being fooled. Smile, rejoice, despair and cry, until you close your eyes and surrender to the warm embrace of oblivion, where what is, remains without being scratched. Soon you will be ready to be fooled again. Reality (2020)  


Study and overlaps - Utrecht (2020) Narration can be used to create new narrative, like voices overlapping other voices creating meaningless chatter. The magma of the volcano also explodes in twisted and ever new shapes, giving birth to dark and fascinating rocks. The universe is a game in which the dice never stop rolling, and the throwers seem many and different, but in reality it is always and only One. Reality (2020)


At heart level - Utrecht (2020) The quarantine of this bizarre 2020 gave me the possibility to use my body as the main subject of my photographic activity. I have never explored in the past the language of self-portrait, both for a matter of shame and lack of intersts. I used my body to express my ideas and it was a deep experience, a kind of creative ritual that aims to describe, metaphorically, the spiritual technic of self-observation. Reality (2020)


Minetta - Utrecht (2017) In portraying a child, one encounters the purity of a depersonalized being, and in that gaze that gives access to a place without borders and that I like to call Love, we can get lost and ultimately find ourselves. Even if we decorated it with colors, called it by exotic names or made it assume a particular pose, we would never be able to strip it of that aura of cosmic harmony with which it is saturated. The portrait of a child is a door to Reality, without a shadow of a doubt! Reality (2020)


  Badia a Passignano (2020) This need to search for forms, contrasts and their dualistic nature, suggests the desire to find a meeting point which can only be timeless and spaceless, a state where the division is no longer possible, to make us witness the miracle of reconciliation. This is sacred. Reality (2020)


  Where the way to the lighthouse ends - Ancona (2019) You could become One with the image. And you could even become One with the photograph. What does it mean? It means that there is no longer an observer, an object of observation that belongs to the image, and an index of the observation, which is the photograph. There remains only an experience in the present, which cannot be accumulated, cannot be criticized, not filtered by mental schemes, isolated in its integrity and, for all these reasons, Real. Reality (2020)


Kanaleneiland - Utrecht 2019   It's the obsession with doing that brings restlessness. The desire that allowed the acquisition of this image and the transcription of these words also leads us inevitably away from Reality. But in passing from one experience to another, perhaps even in the very act of flipping these pages, between a reading of a photograph and the one that follows, Reality could emerge. Just remember to use your heart, which is attention. Reality (2020)


  Sky and Obstacles - Amsterdam 2019 Where is the truth? In the unreal nature of a story and the desire to bring it to life. Let's write all the stories that come to our minds, but let's leave them there, where they belong, in the world of stories. Reality (2020)