Man on the bench - Lisbon (2015)

Spoken photography in exchange for a tsunami of images. Reducing the selection to the bone to explore in words the place where all this comes from. I have a particular relationship with almost all my photos: I find them indiscriminately significant but superfluous. Some of them can stand alone, but most of them only make sense when they are part of a stream.

Travel, both as a metaphor and as a real event, is often the main theme I pursue. Light is an option that I can't always afford. I purposely leave it to chance, but it is part of the attitude of acceptance that underlies the Eastern spiritual discipline. The idea of control is a deception. Who really has control? The finger muscle on the shutter release button, or the eye attached to the viewfinder? The events chased or those that surprises you? The technical and cultural training or the innate ability to know how to break the rules?

Be that as it may, an image remains stuck on the sensor, ready for someone to give it a meaning. This too may be the work of chance ...

The photograph that testifies what has been seen, becomes the testimony of the experience. While I'm looking at it, I recall all the feelings of that moment, the slow and carefree wandering towards that image, the unthinkable exactness of each of its components, from the ray of sunshine to the bending of the elbow that allows me to reach the right angle. When I hear the click, it's all over.

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