Lisbon 2015

"I remember well standing at that one window and just watching the flow of life," said Dorothea Lange, and the phrase reminds me the methods of self-observation and meditation so essential in a spiritual path. Looking at ourselves from the outside, observing the thoughts and frenetic activity of our mind, framing, selecting, archiving these mental events just like images, is the way to silence. And in silence awareness arises.

From a window in its widest sense (an overpass, an elevated terrain, a privileged position ...) the photographer observes the flow of life and by carving it out, he tries to make sense of it. At the same time, the spiritual path passes through the inner observation, and the similarity of the two rituals is absolutely not accidental. Spiritual activity is based on looking, which is apparently a passive modality, but that in fact produces great changes.

Beyond the objective, the road unwinds towards the horizon, an unchanging asphalt carpet on which life happens in its innumerable forms, ready to be recorded. The light and the subjects can change, but the road always remains the same, motionless background of the observed.

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