
Showing posts from 2016


Intubated - Hannover (2014) By expanding awareness we lose definitions, the dividing lines disappear, forming indefinable images, perhaps blurred. I don't have a real opinion on what I see. I can say that I recognize the strongest images, but none looks to be more important than another. The strength of one is based on the weakness of the other. And in any case, each snapshot testifies the flow of observation-clipping-reproduction, which as a whole defines a convergence of intent. I am not interested in an objective reading of the photo. Each image has a different function depending on the context in which it is read. It doesn't have to hit. It can also go unnoticed, leave you indifferent, remain silent. Yet its time will also come. It will have its function, which will inevitably deal with memory.


Saint Ilario's Ruin (2016) There are places where sensations are strong and to watch is like a prayer. They are those places that evoke silence, which is not only the arrival point but also the departure of what is manifest, which however illusory might be, it's essential to the research of Reality. The truth is shown only after the fall of what is false. The swinging of states of sleep and awakeness, of full awareness and illusion, of life and death, in a condition of apparent dualism, is perhaps the last experience before dissolution in the Absolute. As long as we belong to a state of movement, it is good to recognize the bases on which manifestations rest. Silence is the melting pot of expressions.