Gate on the sea - Baia Toscana (2017)

"Normal photography" is for me an attitude, a condition of the soul, not a technique or a style. It is a gesture that begins as a reaction but becomes controlled and deeply aware over time. It is to satisfy the need to record one's own vision, no matter whether for fun or artistic research. It is a sequence of intents, a flow of movements that starts from the recognition of the scene, goes on with a thoughtful technical execution aimed at its acquisition, and ends with the slight touch of the shutter button. It is an act in itself, a harmonious flow, the fairest epilogue of a happy discovery.

Have you ever tried to combine meditation and photography? It is a bit like focusing on yourself before you do it with your lens. I invite you to find your method.
When you are standing in a crowded place, for example, full of impulses, and saturated with potential creativity, it can be difficult to recognize the decisive moment through that much chaos. So we can close our eyes and breathe deeply, trying for a few moments to get away from everything that surrounds us. By remaining alone and distanced from the rest, we gain a privileged position to better discover the scene we are looking for.
But maybe it's the scene looking for us...

Photographic theory is the pyrotechnic spectacle of conceptualizations and it is wonderful to dig in it, but if you take it too seriously you might get lost. Only the love for the ultimate truth, which is like the light of a lighthouse on the horizon, can be the right predisposition to sit in the front row watching the show and maybe even take part in it, thus giving shape to a personal creative philosophy that it will not pretend to be anything more than an idea, a reflection of a throbbing mind.
The commitment, when sincere and not triggered by the ego, becomes proof of the validity of a truly creative gesture. All that is needed is a profound desire for truth, which is the incipit of that natural flow of events that begins with a first phase of learning, develops and transforms with the elaboration of a theory, and ends precisely with the creative gesture.

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