Green sensation - Comacchio (2019) In the famous picture called "The Steerage" by Alfred Stieglitz, the one taken in 1907 on the cruise ship SS Kaiser Wilhelm II, we find, reading the words of the same author, a situation of "moment received", so different from the Bressonian rhetoric of the "decisive moment". Stieglitz has this vision while he stands on the deck of the ship that is taking him back to Europe, so he runs to take the camera that is in his cabin, fearing that in the meantime the key elements of that image (the man with the straw hat and the woman with the child) can move and ruin the balance of the scene. Instead, on his return, everything is exactly as he left it, as if the photograph had waited for him. In this story, I see a lot of mindful-photography. There is another episode in Stieglitz's life which, in my opinion, hides a spiritual component, namely his commitment to the Clouds series (The Equivalents). According to him, in the ges...