Macro on the balcony - Utrecht (2020) The type of creativity that I pursue requires that I move steps into unexplored grounds. The results are never tied to external consent. Only if I pick a fruit of new and diversified sweetness, I have the absolute certainty of not having wasted my time. And this fruit does not necessarily have to be the product of the creative process, but it can very well be revealed as the experience of acquisition itself. When I grab my camera, I abandon myself to the first rule of my creative goal, which is that of renewal. Whatever the object of my interest might be, I want the creative experience to be renewed in the light of each new day. I don't need to find unusual subjects or extraordinary shooting techniques, but I have to know how to see what surrounds me as if I were seeing it again for the first time, and as the first time I will have to transform it into an image. Returning periodically to the same locations, confronting the same subjects, with t...
Pathway of lights and shadows - Harmelen (2020) In the ultra-competitive society we live in, we have been taught that opportunism can be an added value. From the purely competitive one, attributable to sports disciplines, to the philosophical one of "carpe-diem", the concept of "opportunity" permeates the life of each of us, so that our attention is often taken to recognize these alleged turning points, so that you can grab them right away. In reality an opportunistic behaviour can, when pursued without the right awareness, become the cause of great evils as well as an obstacle to our spiritual realization. It is not wrong to recognize the opportunities that life offers us, especially if these can make us grow internally, but it is good to stay away from those occasions which, enriching the materialistic aspect or the reputation of our earthly existence, seriously endanger our own. divine integrity. Unscrupulously pursuing every opportunity is taking unconscious ste...
Mannequin # 04731 - Perugia Taking pictures of dummies to discover their semantic power, their metaphorical meaning. Us and Them. What are the differences? Certainly, they let themselves be photographed. They are not shy. They do not react to the camera's hypnotic force. They are exceptional, impassive models of an almost alien nobility. Is it them who resemble us, or is it us who wish to look like them? Dreaming of artificial intelligences and cyborgs, in a future that is now increasingly less sci-fi and more available, mannequins remind us of these glorious in-animated creatures, which means "without a soul". Perfect, modeled, programmed creatures. Again, who looks like who? And then, here is the hand that dresses them, that positions them, that shows them. In its preparation, we can grasp the meaning of its existence infused by the creator. It is a full-fledged replicant, mirror of our induced needs, fetish of the Narcissus God that contemporary society unknowingly ado...